The Killing Hills
Not in Esther's fantastic 1/2 marathon league, but I managed a 10k today. My first organized run for more than 20 years, so not quite the suppleness or speed that I had last time out....but I made it to the finishing line at least.
It was on behalf of Cancer Research in the beautiful Loseley Park 'twixt Godalming and Guildford. I was on the brink of backing out due to a dodgy knee having curtailed any training for a couple of weeks, and being without a running partner after Jimbo Illsley, who had kindly volunteered us both for the race, succumbed to a mysterious hip injury. But I strapped on a knee support, bit the bullet and went for it, with Mrs M's moral support spurring me on.
The whole event was superbly organized, including a synchronized pre-race warm up for the 600+ runners, more marshalls than Dodge City and an uplifting band at the halfway water stop.
The course was a combination of fields, pasture, woodland and bridle paths. The bad news was the three hills on the course, especially the last...a long gradual bridle path of sapping sand. Nasty.
I crossed the line at 54 minutes, not too shabby for an untrained 49 year old with a suspect knee, on a tough undulating course and who was peeing in the bushes when the starting gun went off, eh?
The nutty cereal bar and bottle of water did more to restore my sagging energy levels than the medal handed out after breasting the finishing line, but all in all it was a great experience for a great cause.
And another step on the Kili fitness trail, although just a loosener for next weekend's 40+ mile walk around the Surrey Hills for the Kili 6 being deviously plotted by Mrs M as we speak.
See you on Friday, team...and don't forget the ralgex, surgical supports, Diamox and beer money.
Postscript: Jimbo Illsley was spotted this very afternoon exercising his aforesaid dodgy hip by bouncing aggressively on a huge trampoline with his two young sons. A recovery more miraculous than Lazarus....